Yellowstone Environmental Contracting, LLC
Your ideal source for professional erosion control installation
and landscaping services!
Map of some jobs YEC have done or been approved for from 2011-2019

Location: Ashton, Nebraska
Year: 2018
Details: 70,000 Square Yards of Double Net Straw
Completed in 5 days
Location: Oliver County, North Dakota
Year: 2016
Details: 70,000 SY of Straw Blanket
Completed in 8 days

Location: Outside Miles City, Montana
Year: 2019
Details: 12,000 SY of Compost, Seed and Erosion Control Blanket
Completed in 5 days
Location: Mandaree, North Dakota
Year: 2017
Details: 142,000 SY of Erosion Control Blanket
Completed in 20 days

Location: Williston, North Dakota
Year: 2018
Details: 369,000 SY of Erosion Control Blanket
Completed in 25 working days
Location: Ward County, North Dakota
Year: 2017
Details: 65,000 SY Straw Blanket
Completed in 5 days

Location: Lightning Butte, Wyoming
Year: 2018
Details: 70,000 SY Straw Coconut Blanket
Completed in 5 days